For the past few years, I have been asking God to give me a “Word for the Year” at the start of the year, a word to provide focus for what He wants to accomplish in me throughout the next 12 months.
The process usually goes like this:
Me: God, what should my word be for this coming year? What about “hope” or “joy” or … (insert many other suggestions)
God: Wait for it….
Me: Okay, God. I’m listening. I’m waiting.
Me: But, God, have you seen the calendar? It’s the beginning of the year! I need the word to start the beginning of the year! That’s when all of these things start, you know.
Me: Okay, how about “joy” as my word? Joy is a great word! We have some tough things ahead in 2019, and joy would be a great word to focus on. I think joy is the word!
God: No really, wait for it….
Me: Ugh. God, I really don’t like waiting.
Impatiently Waiting
So, this morning, I opened my Bible, praying that God would clearly give me a word, and in my heart, I felt a nudge to open up the Psalms, and I thought it was because there’s a lot of stuff about being joyful in the Psalms. But, my Bible opened to Jeremiah, and I began reading there about the greatness, vastness, and faithfulness of God. He makes big promises in Jeremiah, promises about the Messiah, about righting wrongs and bringing peace to His people. All good stuff. All things that steady my heart. Things that remind me that He is God, and I am not.
But, still no word.
I get more coffee, and flip in my Bible again, but this time I land in the Psalms. Psalm 62, to be specific.
And, there’s my word.
Wait for it
You see, I’m not good at rest. I have an unending need to feel productive. To do the things. To make the things happen. To solve the problems and try to figure things out on my own. I’m a habitual multitasker. (I’m also a bit of an Enneagram 3, for those who follow along with all of that Enneagram stuff.) I have this need to have something to show for my time and effort at the end of the day.
But, I’ve been talking recently with people close to me that I feel this need to reevaluate some things in our life, perhaps incorporate a bit more minimalism – not just with possessions, but with time and pace of life. This past December was full of wonderful things, and I wouldn’t change the vast majority of those things. But it was full. And, it was easy to see the toll that fullness took on me and my family.
It’s rest
What is it that I’m really craving?
What is it that will steady my heart and mind, that will sustain me through those difficult things that I foresee and those things yet unforeseen in 2019?
Rest. Resting in God.
What is it that I’m most reluctant to do?
2019 – The Year of learning to rest
So, I know I need rest. Because, whether it be for my physical self, my emotional self and mental well being, or my relationship with my Father, I need to rest. Even if I don’t like to admit it. To be honest, I have a hard time acknowledging its value, at least in practice, when it applies to me.
And so, in 2019, I guess I’m going to learn more about rest – resting in God and His sovereignty and love, and finding a life rhythm for both me and for my family that values rest.
“My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” Psalm 62:1 NIV
“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all time, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” Psalm 62:5-8 NIV
© 2019 Sara R Conley. All rights reserved.
What a perfect word
I love this! For me the idea of rest is everything you’ve described and so much more than we can even comprehend. When we rest in God we begin to trust him more and more. In turn, we find freedom from fear and so many other negative emotions that are not from God. I’ll be praying that you find and benefit from rest in all of the expected, but also unexpected, ways and that God will open your world to blessings and freedom you never contemplated. Love you friend!